OneTeam Solution.

OneTeam is an all-in-one integrated software platform that will help you get more out of your HR and payroll system.

The software is designed to alleviate your employees in HR and Payroll departments of cumbersome administrative work and to let them focus on more productive tasks. OneTeam is a flexible solution that can support various procedural requirements within the organization, but with a robust and reliable underlying core that complies with local law and legislation.

OneTeam solution makes acquiring, storing, processing and analyzing data easier and more reliable and the communication between the actors in the organization more efficient.

Organizational structure

Set up and manage the organizational structure of your organization. Implement one or more organizational hierarchies and take advantage of available analytical reporting. Define positions and maintain their relationships. Relay on the organizational structure to implement procedures and processes and to manage access and restrictions.

Human resources

Manage and administer extensible sets of personal and employment data and manage resource allocation. Track education and training requirements and manage competence developments and skill enhancements. Comply with personal data protection legislation and recommended practices.


Manage work hours and absence and define benefits and deductions. Calculate payrolls and other compensations in compliance with the local legislation. Generate and manage bank payments and prepare booking orders.

Legal documentation

Design custom Word-like templates and use them to create employment-related legal documentation. Manage documents individually or collectively or implement automatization where appropriate.


Use self-service capabilities and let all the employees contribute to your HR processes. Implement customized workflows with specified verification points and use delegation to branch the processes where required. Create requests, track request processing, and receive feedback. Obtain data directly from the source.


A comprehensive reporting system is at your fingertips. Use it to gain a better understanding of your organization and workforce. Identify advantages and assess potential obstacles. Use analytical tools to drill down data and gain more nuanced insights.

Put all your HR functions under one roof and transform the way you think about your HR.